“El proyecto «Journey to health through heritage route» está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta web es responsabilidad exclusiva del colegio Divino Maestro de Baza y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.”
Erasmus +
Socios - Coordinador España
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1 Urdari, is a school which comprises pre-school, primary and secondary education. There are around 300 students, between 6 and 14 years old, and 28 teachers. Our school is located in a small town called Urdari, which is 40 km away from Tirgi Jui and 60 KM from Craiova. This region is dedicated to mining however, the majority of people are unemployed and their cultural heritage isn’t really promoted, a need that the school demands in order to contribute to its environment. Another incentive for participating in this project is the concern for an increasing social problem in their school – obesity and low levels of physical activity. In order to launch the project successfully, the following positions or departments will get involved: Positions: – The headmistress Physical education teachers – History teacher to work the local cultural heritage. – Teaching staff with experience in European projects, such as Erasmus + and Comenius, who will lead the coordinators in some aspects using their experience. – ICT teachers, who will lead the technological part of the project. – English teachers, who will help in translating documents for communication between partners. The school has great experience in projects related to ICT, which are very present in the teaching-learning process, such as «Let’s film it and share it with European Friends» with seven countries (2012/2014) .
It is an educational centre in Krakow (primary school there), which is made up of 348 students, between 7 and 15 years old, and 43 teachers. They study English, German and Spanish and they have been working on E-Twinning. However, they need to expand their centre to Europe through this type of project. Therefore their coordinator, as headmaster, is showing great enthusiasm and work ethic so that this project is carried out. They are detecting a lack of obesity in their centre; therefore, they want to prevent this problem by looking at what is being done in other European countries. Also, they have a need to increase their levels of physical activity both in school and in after-school activities. In addition, as they have told us, in a big European city they have a multitude of offers when it comes to promoting their cultural heritage. So we would like them to transfer these ideas and lead the tourist promotion of our cultural heritage and network of trails. In order to launch the project successfully, the following positions or departments will get involved: – Management. – The physical education department. – ICT teachers. – English teachers, who will help in translating documents for communication between partners. – The history department, which will lead the tourist promotion of Krakow and give guidelines to the other two partners.